間不容發(fā) 讀音:jiān b r ng f 詳細解釋詞語解釋 間不容發(fā)(間不容發(fā)) (1) [a seamless heavenly robe flawless;by the skin of one s teeth;by a hair s breadth;the difference is as narrow as a hair s bre
里勾外連 讀音:lǐ gōu w i li n 詳細解釋詞語解釋 里勾外連 ◎ 里勾外連 lǐgōu-w ili n [act from inside in coordination with forces attacking from outside] 內(nèi)部和外部互相連通一氣 這起銀行盜竊案有里勾
山高海深 讀音:shān gāo hǎi shēn 詳細解釋詞語解釋 山高海深 [infinite bounties;be lofty like the mountain and deep like the ocean] 比喻恩情深厚 點擊查看更多:成語釋義 奧數(shù)網(wǎng)提醒: 小學數(shù)學試題、