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真正的X -檔案

來源:網(wǎng)絡 2009-06-23 09:17:49


  我已經(jīng)工作了國防部近十五年現(xiàn)在,   and have had a variety of fascinating posts. 并有各種迷人的職位。   But by far and away the most amazing was my tour of duty in a division called Secretariat(Air Staff)2a, where for three years my responsibilities included researching and investigating the UFO phenomenon. 但到目前為止,并把最令人驚訝的是我的任務在一個司要求秘書處(空軍參謀部) 2A條,其中三年我的職責包括研究和調(diào)查不明飛行物現(xiàn)象。

  I should say first of all that the Ministry’s interest in UFOs has 我應該說,首先,該部的興趣,飛碟已   more to do with the Russians than the Martians: it stemmed not from any corporate belief in extraterrestrials, but from the understandable desire to know about any object that had penetrated the UK’s Air Defence Region. 更多的是與俄羅斯比火星:它不是來自任何企業(yè)認為外星人,但是從可以理解的愿望,知道任何物件,已經(jīng)滲透到英國的防空區(qū)。   But in keeping an eye out for the Soviet aircraft that routinely probed at our air defences during the Cold War, it soon became clear that there were other more exotic craft operating in British airspace. 但是,在密切關注了蘇聯(lián)飛機經(jīng)常探討在我國防空部隊在冷戰(zhàn)期間,它很快就清楚地表明,還有其他更多的外來船只在英國領空。   For at least the last fifty years there has been a steady stream of UFO reports sent to the MOD, some from military sources and some from members of the public. 至少在過去50年里一直源源不斷的不明飛行物報告送交國防部,一些來自軍方的消息和一些有興趣的市民。   So what’s going on? 因此,這是怎么回事?

  Each the year the MOD receives two or three hundred UFO reports, although some years are busier than others (there were 750 reports in 1978, 600 in 1981 and 609 in 1996). 每一年中,國防部收到兩個或300件UFO報告,雖然有些年是繁忙的比別人(有750個報告于1978年, 600在1981年和609在1996年) 。   My job was to investigate these reports in an attempt to see whether there was evidence of any threat to the UK. 我的任務是調(diào)查這些報告,以確定是否有證據(jù)表明任何威脅到英國。   After careful investigation I managed to find explanations for around ninety percent of sightings, which turned out to be misidentifications of ordinary objects or phenomena. 經(jīng)過認真調(diào)查,我找到的解釋大約百分之九十的發(fā)現(xiàn),這原來是misidentifications普通物體或現(xiàn)象。   The common culprits included aircraft lights, satellites, meteors and airships. 共同匪徒包括飛機燈,衛(wèi)星,流星和飛艇。   But there was a hard core of sightings that simply couldn’t be explained in conventional terms, where trained observers such as police officers and pilots saw unidentified craft performing speeds and manoeuvres way beyond our own capabilities. 但是有一個核心的發(fā)現(xiàn),只是無法解釋的常規(guī),在那里受過訓練的觀察員,如警察和飛行員看到不明身份的工藝表演和演習的方式速度超出了我們自身的能力。

  The MOD has over two hundred files packed full of information about UFOs. 國防部已超過200檔擠滿信息不明飛行物。   Of these, I believe that around twenty have been made available at the Public Record Office in Kew, where their release is governed by the terms of the Public Record Acts - which generally allow information to be released when it’s more than thirty years old. 這些,我認為,大約20提供了在公共記錄辦公室基尤,他們的釋放是由規(guī)定的公共記錄的行為-這通常導致信息被釋放時,三十余歲。   I’m well aware that ufologists have been very excited about the prospect of a UK Freedom of Information Act and have been planning to blitz the MOD with requests for UFO data. 我清楚地知道, ufologists已經(jīng)感到非常振奮的前景是英國信息自由法案,并已計劃在突擊國防部請求的不明飛行物數(shù)據(jù)。   This is precisely what happened in America, where the casefiles of the United States Air Force study into UFOs (Project Blue Book) were made public. 這正是發(fā)生在美國,那里的casefiles美國空軍研究不明飛行物(項目藍皮書)公布了。   I had access to all the MOD’s UFO files, and can tell people that if and when this information is made public, there is some very exciting information that will be made available. 我已經(jīng)獲得的所有國防部的不明飛行物文件,可以告訴人們,如果這方面的資料公開,有一些非常令人興奮的信息,將提供。   So what can people expect to find? 那么,人們期望找到?

  Over the years, the MOD has been involved in a wide variety of sensational UFO cases which defy any conventional explanation. 多年來,國防部一直參與各種聳人聽聞的不明飛行物案件藐視任何常規(guī)的解釋。   One of the earliest took place in August 1956 when a UFO was tracked on radar systems at RAF Bentwaters and RAF Lakenheath. 最早發(fā)生在1956年8月時追蹤不明飛行物是在英國皇家空軍雷達系統(tǒng)Bentwaters和Raf Lakenheath 。   Two RAF jets were scrambled in an attempt to intercept the mystery craft, and a game of cat and mouse ensued as the pilots attempted to lock-on to the target. 兩名英國皇家空軍戰(zhàn)斗機緊急起飛,試圖攔截工藝之謎,以及游戲的貓捉老鼠的飛行員隨后試圖鎖定的目標。   But the UFO was too quick and too agile, and managed to elude the pilots, who eventually ran low on fuel and were forced to return to base. 但不明飛行物太快,太敏捷,并設法逃避飛行員,誰最終然低的燃料,被迫返回基地。

  Britain’s most sensational UFO case occurred in December 1980 in Rendlesham Forest , between RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge. 英國最轟動的不明飛行物案件發(fā)生在1980年12月在Rendlesham森林之間,英國皇家空軍和英國皇家空軍伍德布里奇Bentwaters 。   UFO activity was witnessed over a series of nights, and on one occasion a military guard patrol encountered a landed UFO. 不明飛行物活動目睹了一系列的夜,有一次軍事巡邏遇到降落不明飛行物。   The Deputy Base Commander, Lt Col Charles Halt, submitted an official report to the MOD, describing the UFO as “metallic in appearance and triangular in shape”. 副基地指揮官,中校查爾斯停止,提交一份正式報告,以國防部的資料,描述了不明飛行物為“金屬的外觀和三角的形狀。 ”   Radiation readings were subsequently taken from the landing site, 輻射讀數(shù)后來從著陸地點,        and were found to peak in the three indentations where the craft had touched down in a clearing. 和被發(fā)現(xiàn)的三個高峰期缺口的工藝已經(jīng)降落在一個信息。

  In November 1990 a number of RAF Tornado jets were overtaken by a UFO whilst flying over the North Sea, and this is just one of several aerial encounters on file. 在1990年11月的一些皇家空軍旋風式戰(zhàn)機取代了不明飛行物,而飛越北海,而這僅僅是幾個空中相遇的文件。   The most disturbing of these relate to a series of terrifying near-misses between UFOs are civil aircraft. 最令人不安的,這些涉及到了一系列可怕的近錯過飛碟之間的民用飛機。   There were two such cases from 1991, both involving incidents over Kent, and another from 1995, involving a Boeing 737. 有兩個從1991年這類案件,無論涉及事件肯特,另一個自1995年以來,涉及的波音737客機。   The pilots encountered what they described as a brightly lit UFO while on their approach to Manchester airport, and believed that it had passed only yards from their aircraft. 飛行員遇到他們稱為燈火通明不明飛行物,同時對他們的做法曼徹斯特機場,并認為它已通過僅有數(shù)米的飛機。     This incident was investigated by the Civil Aviation Authority, but no explanation was ever found. 這件事的調(diào)查,民航管理局,但沒有解釋是迄今發(fā)現(xiàn)。

  One of the most sensational cases I ever investigated related to an incident that occurred in the early hours of March 31, 1993. 其中最聳人聽聞的案件我曾經(jīng)調(diào)查有關的事件發(fā)生在凌晨, 1993年3月31日。   There had been a wave of UFO sightings that night, culminating in the direct overflight of two military bases, RAF Cosford and RAF Shawbury. 出現(xiàn)了一波幽浮目擊那天晚上,終于在直接飛越兩個軍事基地,英國皇家空軍Cosford和Raf Shawbury 。        The UFO was described to me by one of the military witnesses as being a vast, triangular craft only marginally smaller than a jumbo jet. 不明飛行物的描述給我的一個軍事證人是一個龐大的,三角工藝僅略有小于大型噴氣式客機。   It flew slowly over the base at a height of around 200 feet, firing a narrow beam of light at the ground, before flying off at high speed. 飛行緩慢基地在高度約200英尺,發(fā)射窄光束在地面,然后起飛高速。

  These then, are the sorts of incidents to be found in the MOD’s UFO files: visual sightings correlated by radar; incidents where military jets have been scrambled; near-misses with civil airliners and reports of landings. 這些然后是各種各樣的事件中可以找到國防部的不明飛行物文件:視覺看到相關的雷達;軍用飛機事件發(fā)生已經(jīng)炒;近懷念與民間飛機和報告著陸。   Some of these incidents were classified secret at the time. 其中一些事件被列為機密的時候。

  The files contain various other material of interest to researchers, and because of the perceived link with UFOs, contain some reports of alien abductions, crop circles and animal mutilations. 該文件包含的其他各種材料感興趣的研究人員,和由于知覺聯(lián)系不明飛行物,包含了一些報告的外來綁架,作物和動物界肉刑。   Perhaps it’s no surprise that as I got drawn into such mysteries I found myself dubbed “The Real Fox Mulder”! 也許這是毫不奇怪,因為我卷入這種奧秘我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己被稱為“真正?怂鼓聽柕” !

  So will the release of official files end speculation that the Government has been covering up the truth about UFOs? 因此,將釋放的官方文件結(jié)束猜測,政府一直掩蓋真相的飛碟?   This is unlikely. 這是不可能的。   The release of official files in America simply fuelled interest in the subject, and led to accusations that other more highly classified papers were still being withheld. 釋放在美國官方文件只是助長對這一問題的興趣,并導致其他更多的指責高度機密文件仍然被扣留。   The US Government’s denial was not helped by the claims of a former US Army Colonel, Philip Corso, who claimed that the so-called Roswell incident from 1947 really did involve the crash of a UFO. 美國政府的拒絕是沒有幫助的索賠的美國前陸軍上校,菲利普高碌街,誰聲稱,所謂的羅斯威爾事件確實涉及1947年墜毀的不明飛行物。   He claimed that he’d seen the bodies, and that his job at the Pentagon involved him in finding ways to use the technological secrets gleaned from the debris of the craft. 他聲稱,他希望看到尸體,而且他的工作在五角大樓參與他設法使用技術秘密收集到的碎片的工藝。   Corso died of a heart attack shortly after going public with these claims, so took the secrets to his grave. 高碌街因心臟病發(fā)作而去世后不久上市的這些索賠,因此采取了秘密,他的墳墓。   Conspiracy theorists love this sort of thing, and are unlikely to be satisfied by any release of papers that doesn’t support their own bizarre theories about cover-ups and sinister conspiracies. 陰謀論者喜歡這樣的事情,是不可能滿足任何釋放文件,不支持自己的奇怪理論,瞞報和險惡陰謀。   There isn’ta cover-up in the UK, although a letter sent from the MOD to the American Government in 1965 admits that MOD policy “is to play down the subject of UFOs”. 有沒有掩蓋在英國,雖然致函由國防部向美國政府在1965年承認,國防部的政策“是淡化問題的不明飛行物” 。

  My three years of official research and investigation into the UFO phenomenon changed my life for ever. 我3年的正式研究和調(diào)查不明飛行物現(xiàn)象,改變了我的生活永遠。   I’d come into the job as a sceptic, but on the basis of the cases I’d looked at, and what I’d discovered in the files, I came to believe that some UFOs might well be extraterrestrial. 我想進入就業(yè)作為一個懷疑論者,但根據(jù)我的情況看,什么我的檔案中發(fā)現(xiàn)的,我相信,一些不明飛行物可能是外星人。    If these files are now to be made public, I think people are in for a big surprise, and I believe that like me, people will come to see that this is a serious subject which raises very important defence and national security issues. 如果這些文件現(xiàn)在可以公開,我認為人們是在為一個巨大的驚喜,我相信,像我這樣的人會來看看,這是一個嚴重的問題,提出了非常重要的國防和國家安全問題。   As far as these files are concerned … the truth is in there! 至于這些文件涉及...事實是在那里!


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