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來源:網(wǎng)絡 2009-06-23 08:39:53


  1935年10月10號新南威爾士州紐卡斯爾2200hrs Mr P Terry was out fishing when he saw a mushroom shaped object hovering some distance away.務求特里是捕魚時,他看見一個蘑菇狀物體徘徊一段距離。 He used a Kodak Brownie Box camera to take a snapshot.他用相機柯達布朗尼箱采取的快照。 After 10 minutes the object left at speed. 10分鐘后,留在物體的速度。 The photo showed a circular object.照片顯示,一個圓形物體。

  ( UFO Investigation Centre Newsletter. (UFOIC.) No 21, Dec 1968.) ( 不明飛行物研究中心的通訊。 ( UFOIC. )否21 , 1968年12月。 )

  1953 Wilcannia NSW Day 1953年新南威爾士州日威爾坎尼亞

  John Gregory and Kevin Power noted a "saucer" about 50 feet up in the air.約翰格雷戈里和凱文國指出, “飛碟”約50英尺高的空中。 "It was about 20 feet in diameter, and its hull seemed to consist of a metal that looked like that 'satin finish' stainless steel that sinks are made of," said John. “這是大約有20英尺,直徑,其船體似乎包括金屬,看起來像'磨光'的匯不銹鋼制成的, ”約翰說。 Kevin Power took a photograph of it, and then the object streaked away and was lost to sight in 3 seconds.凱文國采取的照片,然后條以外的對象,并失去視力在三秒。 Power wrote to the RAAF who sent an officer to investigate the sighting.電力寫信給誰發(fā)出了澳大利亞皇家空軍人員,調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn)的。 This officer allegedly confiscated the picture leaving Power with one print.這位軍官據(jù)稱沒收圖片離開國之一打印。 Power has been unable to locate this print.電力一直無法找到此打印。

  ( Australian Flying Saucer Review (AFSR) Vol 5 Jul 1966, taken from the Barrier Truth Newspaper Broken Hill 9/6/66). ( 澳大利亞飛碟審查 ( AFSR )卷1966年7月5日,取自壁壘真相報紙布洛肯希爾9/6/66 ) 。

  4 Apr 1953 Numurkah VIC Day 1953年4月4日Numurkah日在維也納國際中心

  A man was shooting pictures of a wedding when he noticed a strange conical shaped object moving rapidly high in the sky.一名男子的照片,拍攝一場婚禮時,他注意到一個奇怪的圓錐狀物體迅速高的天空。 He snapped quite a clear picture of it.他終結相當清楚地了解它。 F 8 and t=1/250 second. F 8和T = 1 / 250秒。

  (Holledge, J. Flying Saucers Over Australia (FSOA) Sydney. Horowitz. 1965. p46.) ( Holledge ,美國飛碟戰(zhàn)勝澳大利亞 ( FSOA )悉尼;袅_維茨。 1965 。 p46 。 )

  23 Aug 1953 Port Moresby PNG 1100hrs 1953年8月23日莫爾茲比港巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞1100hrs

  Whilst watching and filming a peculiar cloud build up into a thick mass of cumulus, Mr Drury (the then Director of Civil Aviation in PNG) saw a metallic object like a silver dart, which shot out of the cloud in an upwards direction.  It was elongated like a bullet and subtended about 1 inch at arms length.  No fins or wings were visible.  It had a clear cut dense white vapour trail and there was no associated sound.  The entire thing was caught on 8mm movie film. The RAAF investigated the incident and analysed the film.同時欣賞和拍攝的特殊云建立成一個大規(guī)模的厚積云,他特魯(當時民航處處長巴紐)看到一個金屬物體如銀鏢,其中脫穎而出的云在向上的方向發(fā)展。這是拉長像一顆子彈和subtended約1英寸的距離。無鰭或翅膀也清晰可見。它有一個明確的密集白色跡,也沒有相關的聲音。整個事情被抓獲的8毫米電影膠片;始铱哲娬{(diào)查事件并分析了電影。

  (1.  Holledge, J. FSOA Sydney. Horowitz. 1965. p22. ( 1 。 Holledge ,學者FSOA悉尼;袅_維茨。 1965 。 p22 。

  2. Australian Flying Saucer Review Vic Vol 6 Dec 66. 2 。 澳大利亞飛碟審查維克成交量12月6日66 。

  3.  Tambling, R. Flying Saucers Where Do They Come From? (FSWDTCF) Sydney. 3 。 Tambling ,河飛碟哪里來的呢? ( FSWDTCF )悉尼。 Horowitz. 1978.霍洛維茨。 1978年。 p94. p94 。

  4.  B Chalker "The Drury UFO film affair Parts 1 and 2" The Australasian UFOlogist Vols 5 no 1 and 5 no 2. 4 。乙喬克夫“的特魯不明飛行物電影內(nèi)政1和第2部分” 澳大利亞UFOlogist卷5沒有1款和第5卷第2期。

  Oct 1953 North QLD 1953年10月北昆士蘭

  Mr WC Hall photographed a dense looking tropical hat shaped UFO of circular form with a prominent dome on top as it hovered over a herd of sheep.霍爾先生廁所拍照密集尋找熱帶帽子形狀的不明飛行物的通知形式有突出的圓頂上,因為它上空盤旋,一群綿羊。

  ( Sir magazine Feb 55.) ( 爵士雜志2月55 。 )

  Summer 1954 Oyster Cove Tas 0530hrs 1954年夏季牡蠣灣塔斯0530hrs

  Whining noise and area was illuminated.牢騷噪音和地區(qū)的照明。 Silver oval shape with dome and beam below it.橢圓形的銀圓頂和梁下方。 Witness took photos.證人拍照。 Reported to "authorities." Three men in dark blue serge jackets in a Humber vehicle were reported to have come along and demanded the pictures.據(jù)報道, “當局。 ”三名男子在深藍色嗶嘰夾克在亨伯車輛據(jù)報道,有出現(xiàn),并要求這些照片。 Took away prints.拿走了照片。

  ( Australasian UFOlogist Vol 7 No 5 p5.) ( 澳大利亞UFOlogist第7卷第5小五。 )

  15 Jan 1954 Alice Springs NT 1954年1月15號艾麗斯斯普林斯新臺幣

  A person was taking pictures of Mount Gillen when suddenly an enormous round object appeared from behind it.一個人拍照吉倫山時,突然一個巨大的輪對象似乎從背后。 It went high, then dropped low.它接著高,然后降至很低。 A picture was taken, and then suddenly it gained speed and shot off at high speed to the west.圖片被帶到,然后突然上漲的速度和拍攝,在高速以西。

  (Hervey, M. UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere. (UFOSH) Sydney. Horowitz. 1969. p96.) (哈維先生不明飛行物在南半球。 ( UFOSH )悉尼;袅_維茨。 1969年。 p96 。 )

  Easter 1954 Eucla WA Day復活節(jié)1954年Eucla西澳日

  Three young men travelling by car related that they were followed by a saucer shaped object for some 50 miles.  At times it was low enough that they were able to see portholes.  Five cameras were used to take some 92 exposure of the object.  The men reported their observations to police, and then were interviewed by the RAAF who allegedly took away the cameras.  Later the cameras were returned minus the films.三個年輕人乘坐汽車有關,他們隨后飛碟狀物體約50英里。有時是足夠低,他們可以看到舷窗。 5臺照相機用于采取一些92接觸的對象。男子報告其意見警察,然后進行了面談的澳大利亞皇家空軍誰據(jù)稱拿走相機。后來,相機被退回減去電影。

  ( Australian Saucer Record (ASR) Vol 5 No 3 1959 p13). ( 澳大利亞飛碟記錄 (自動語音識別)第5卷沒有1959年3月p13 ) 。

  3 Aug 1954 Australia 1954年8月3日澳大利亞

  Three ufos were reportedly photographed over Central Australia by an unidentified photographer.三個不明飛行物據(jù)說拍攝了澳大利亞中部的一個身份不明的攝影師。

  (Stevens, W and Roberts A. 1986. UFO photos Archives , Tucson. Vol 2 p233.) (史蒂文斯, W和羅伯茨答: 1986年。 不明飛行物照片檔案館 ,圖森市。成交量2 p233 。 )

  1954 Australia 1954年澳大利亞

  A movie sequence of a UFO was reportedly filmed on Easter Sunday by an unidentified witness.電影序列的不明飛行物據(jù)說拍攝時間:復活節(jié)星期日的一個身份不明的證人。

  ( UFO photos 2 p238.) ( 不明飛行物照片2 p238 。 )

  7 Apr 1958 Port Kembla NSW Stefan Choravat 1958年4月7號新南威爾士州港口肯伯拉斯特凡Choravat

  Anomaly Foundation listing.異;饡鲜小

  1955 Near Eucla WA 1955年近Eucla西澳

  Three young men saw a shiny object falling to the ground.三個年輕人看到一個閃亮的物體下降到地面。 After searching they said they saw a moving figure which looked like a frog from the back and semi-human from the front.搜索后,他們說,他們看到一個移動數(shù)字看上去像一只青蛙從后面和半人從前線。 Photos were taken of the entity.拍照的實體。

  (Sydney Newspaper Daily Telegraph 22/8/55.) (悉尼報紙每日電訊報 22/8/55 。 )

  29 Apr 1959 Blackwood Adelaide SA 1930hrs 1959年4月29日布萊克伍德艾德蕾德公司1930hrs

  A spinning saucer shaped object with a row of steady lights was seen for about 2 1/2 minutes, before it rose vertically and disappeared from view.一個旋轉的飛碟狀物體與一排燈被視為穩(wěn)定的2 1 / 2分鐘,在垂直上升和消失的觀點。 A 10 second time exposure was taken by a Mr Lightfoot. 10第二次接觸是由他娜萊。

  ( UFOSH p135). ( UFOSH p135 ) 。

  29 May 1961 Gundagai NSW Stephen King 1961年5月29日岡達蓋新南威爾士州史蒂芬金

  Anomaly Foundation listing.異;饡鲜。

  7 June 1961 Cairns Qld 1130hrs 20mins 5 wits 1961年6月7日凱恩斯昆士蘭1130hrs 20分鐘5斗智斗勇

  Photograph taken through a telescope of Venus and "The thing."照片通過望遠鏡金星和“的事情。 ” Seen through telescope and described as "an oval shaped body glowing bright red, with three shiny white triangular fins."通過望遠鏡看到形容為“一個橢圓形發(fā)光體鮮紅色,有三個發(fā)光的白色三角鰭。 ”

  (Pages 140-144 of digital copy of RAAF file 580/1/1 part 3. (頁140-144的數(shù)字副本文件580/1/1皇家空軍第3部分。

  Courier Mail Brisbane 9 June 1961. 速遞郵件布里斯班1961年6月9日。

  Townsville Daily Bulletin 8 June 1961. 湯斯維爾每日公報 1961年6月8日。

  Townsville Daily Bulletin 12 June 1961. 湯斯維爾每日公報 1961年6月12日。 Copies on file.拷貝文件。

  [RAAF conclusion: Temperature inversion sighting of an aircraft]) [皇家空軍結論:逆溫發(fā)現(xiàn)飛機] )

  24 December 1963 Darwin NT (1635-1650hrs) 1M Nyika Photo 63年12月24日達爾文新臺幣( 1635 - 1650hrs ) 100尼卡圖片

  An unusual image appeared on a photograph of a storm and building.不尋常的形象出現(xiàn)在照片風暴和建設。

  (Pages 229-234 on digital copy of RAAF file 580/1/1 part 4. (頁229-234數(shù)字拷貝文件580/1/1皇家空軍第4部分。

  [RAAF conclusion: Static charge on photo]) [皇家空軍結論:靜態(tài)電荷照片] )

  5 Jun 1964 Woomera SA 1964年6月5日武麥拉公司

  This photograph was taken at the launching of a Blue Streak rocket, and shows an oval blob of light near the rocket.這張照片是在發(fā)起一個藍色條紋火箭,并顯示出一個橢圓形斑點的光附近的火箭。 A black and white print of the saucer was apparently from a colour movie.黑白打印的飛碟顯然是由一臺彩色電影。

  (1. Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Sep/Oct 1964 p 4. ( 1 。 飛碟審查 ( FSR ) 09月/ 1964年10月版本4 。

  2. 2 。 In 2003, The Disclosure Australia Project combed an index of DSTO photographs, held at the Adelaide office of the National Archives of Australia but failed to find any record of this photograph.) 在 2003年, 澳大利亞項目精梳披露指數(shù)DSTO照片,在阿德萊德舉行的辦公室的澳大利亞國家檔案館,但沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)任何記錄,這照片。 )

  17 Mar 1965 Margaret Brock Lighthouse SA 2200hrs 1965年3月17日瑪格麗特布洛克燈塔公司2200hrs

  Several photographs were said to have been taken of an unusual oval shaped blob, by an assistant steward on the BHP ore freighter, "Iron Duke."一些照片,據(jù)說已經(jīng)采取了一個不同尋常的橢圓形斑點,由一名助理管家的必和必拓鐵礦石貨輪, “鐵公爵。 ” However, a personal investigation revealed that at the time nothing unusual was visually seen.然而,個人的調(diào)查顯示,在當時沒有什么不尋常的是視覺上看到。 The object in the photos only came out on the prints.中的物體的照片只有出來的相片。 It appears to be nothing more than a lens reflection of the Moon, which is the brighter object shown in each photo.這似乎只不過是一個鏡頭,反映了月球,這是光明的對象顯示在每張照片。

  (1. Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate 23/3/65. ( 1 。 紐卡斯爾先驅晨報和礦工倡導 23/3/65 。

  2.  Personal interview with the radio operator on board the ship at the time. 2 。個人面談的無線電操作員在船上的時候。

  3. Australian Flying Saucer Digest (AFSD) Apr/Jun 65. Aust 3 。 澳大利亞飛碟文摘 ( AFSD ) 4月/ 6月65 。阿格德爾

  4. FSR Vol 8 Jun 65 p2 (pics). 4 。 FSR成交量6月8日65歲的P2 (照片) 。

  5. AFS Review No 9 UFOIC inside back cover (pic)). 5 。 原子熒光光譜法修改無9 UFOIC封底內(nèi)頁(圖) ) 。

  28 May 1965 Bouganville, Off Qld 0325hrs 1965年5月28日Bouganville ,關閉昆士蘭0325hrs

  An Ansett-ANA DC flight was reported to have observed an oblate object pacing the plane, on a flight to Papua New Guinea.一個安捷-全日空直流飛行據(jù)報道,發(fā)現(xiàn)一個扁圓物體起搏飛機,在飛機上向巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞。 The pilot was said to have taken some pictures of it.飛行員說,已經(jīng)采取了一些照片的。 Later the pilot was said to have been instructed not to talk about the incident and the present whereabouts of the prints is unclear.后來飛行員說已經(jīng)指示,不要談論這一事件和目前的下落打印不清楚。

  (1.  UFORQLD. ( 1 。 UFORQLD 。

  2. Aust FSR Vol 3 No 5 Dec 72 p 3 & 7.) 2 。 阿格德爾FSR第3卷第12月5日72個P 3 & 7 。 )

  13 Jun 1965 Modbury SA 65年6月13日Modbury公司

  A Mr and Mrs Helyard reported seeing a dark disc, metallic coloured which hovered and circled for 15 minutes at an estimated 3000 feet up.甲先生和夫人Helyard看到黑暗的光盤,其中金屬色徘徊盤旋了15分鐘,估計三〇 〇 〇英尺行動。 Their one photo shows a nebulous, elliptical shaped, object against what appear to be points of light, together with what looks like clouds.他們的一張照片顯示了含糊不清的,橢圓形,物體打擊似乎是的光點,連同看似云彩。 It is hard to understand quite what the picture shows, as it looks far more like an unusual cloud than a defined metallic object.這是很難理解的圖片相當什么節(jié)目,因為它看起來更象一個不尋常的云比定義金屬物體。

  ( AFS Review UFOIC No 9 Nov 1966.) ( 原子熒光光譜法修改 UFOIC沒有66年11月9日。 )

  16 Aug 1965 Manly NSW 1900hrs 65年8月16日悉尼新南威爾士州1900hrs

  A professional photographer Mr F Burke of the Sun-Herald newspaper took 2 shots of an object that hovered briefly over Manly, Sydney. Using 35mm black and white Tri-X film, f=1.4 and t=1/2 sec.一位專業(yè)攝影師伯克先生F的太陽先驅報了2桿的對象,徘徊簡要超過Manly ,悉尼。用35毫米黑白三x薄膜,女= 1.4和t = 1 / 2秒。 The shot reproduced in source 1 shows the lights of Sydney and a blob in the top left hand side which could be anything at all.鏡頭中轉載來源1顯示燈的悉尼和斑點在頂端左側可以任何東西。

  (1. FSOA p14. ( 1 。 FSOA p14 。

  2. UFOSH p50. 2 。 UFOSH p50 。

  3. Aust FS Review No 9 UFOIC p43 (pic).) 3 。 阿格德爾財政司司長審查沒有9 UFOIC p43 ( PIC )的。 )

  24 Jan 1966 Perth WA 2230hrs 1966年1月24日西澳珀斯2230hrs

  A Mr L Benedek said he was taking colour photographs during the evening when he saw a bluish green light.甲先生L Benedek說,他考慮的彩色照片在晚上當他看到藍綠光。 "It was oval shaped with an antenna on the front and dropped towards the river at terrific speed" he said. “這是橢圓形的天線前方和減少對河流了不起速度”他說。 Two shots were taken.采取了兩桿。 The RAAF examined them and later received requests for information from the US Pentagon.皇家空軍審查它們,后來收到要求提供資料,美國五角大樓。 The pictures in source 3 show the lights of Perth and a ball of light with an attached tail.這組照片的來源3顯示燈的珀斯和球輕帶有尾巴。

  (1. Aust FSR No 5 Vic Jul 66. ( 1 。 阿格德爾FSR 5維克7月66 。

  2. UFOSH p58. 2 。 UFOSH p58 。

  3. Aust FSR Review No 9 UFOIC inside cover (pic) and story p 42. 3 。 阿格德爾FSR審查沒有9 UFOIC封面內(nèi)頁( PIC )和故事p 42 。

  4. Sun Herald Sydney. 4 。 太陽先驅報悉尼。 5/6/66). 5/6/66 ) 。

  Apr 1966 Balwyn VIC 1402hrs 1966年4月Balwyn國際中心1402hrs

  Noticing his garden was lit up by an unusual light, the witness looked up to see a metallic mushroom-like object some 120 feet up, floating towards the ground.注意到他的花園中,點燃了一個不尋常的光,證人抬頭看到一個金屬蘑菇狀物體大約120英尺高,對地面浮動。 As he watched it made a 180 degree turn through its vertical axis.當他看著它發(fā)了180度大轉彎通過其垂直軸。 He managed to take one Polaroid shot at this point.他設法采取一個寶麗開槍了這一點。 The object then shot off northwards at terrific speed.然后被槍殺的對象上了可怕的速度向北。 Seconds later a "boom" was heard.幾秒鐘后一個“繁榮”的聲音。 The single colour Polaroid shot shows a chimney stack and an apparent three dimensional mushroom with a small stalk.單一顏色寶麗開槍顯示煙囪棧和一個明顯的三維蘑菇的小柄。 There has however, been some debate in the UFO literature that the picture is a hoax.有然而,一些辯論中不明飛行物文獻,圖片是一個騙局。

  (1. Aust FSR No 5 Viv Jul 66 (pic). ( 1 。 阿格德爾FSR 5薇芙7月66器( PIC ) 。

  2. Aust FSR No 6 Vic Dec 66 (pic).) 2 。 阿格德爾FSR 6維克12月66器( PIC ) 。 )

  22 Apr 1966 Sydney NSW Night 1966年4月22日悉尼新南威爾士州之夜

  A Kings Cross pianist, Mr P Eotvos, took several time exposures of 14 moving "stars".阿國王十字鋼琴家,務求羅蘭,暴露了一些時間14移動的“明星” 。 They were silver circles with a darker tinge in the centre.他們銀界與黑暗色彩的中心。 they disappeared to the north over the horizon.他們失蹤以北的地平線。

  ( Aust FS Review No 9 p 42 (pic).) ( 阿格德爾財政司司長審查沒有9個P 42器( PIC ) 。 )

  1967 Wilcannia NSW新南威爾士州1967年威爾坎尼亞

  Anomaly Foundation listing.異;饡鲜。

  5 Mar 1967 Hallam VIC 1730hrs 1967年3月5日在維也納國際中心1730hrs海蘭姆

  Master John Coyle and sister Miriam took 6 photos of a silver object below clouds which circled around.大師約翰和妹妹米里亞姆科伊爾了6張銀對象的云彩下面這盤旋。 Initially seen at 15 degrees east, it approached in a straight line before circling, then disappeared out of sight on the horizon still below the clouds.最初出現(xiàn)在15度的地區(qū),接近直線前盤旋,然后消失的視線之外的地平線上仍然低于云彩。

  (1.  VUFORS. ( 1 。 VUFORS 。

  2. Aust UFOR No 10 UFOIC Dec 69 p72. 2 。 阿格德爾UFOR 10 UFOIC 12月69 p72 。

  3. FSR 14/1/32 (pics).) 3 。 FSR 14/1/32 (照片) 。 )

  May 1967 Pearce WA GJ Saunders 1967年5月西澳連接桑德斯皮爾斯

  Anomaly Foundation listing.異常基金會上市。

  4 Nov 1967 Brisbane Qld 1967年11月4日布里斯班昆士蘭

  A Mr J Wallace was taking pictures of his girlfriend in a garden when an object appeared.甲賢華萊士是拍照他的女朋友在一個花園的對象時出現(xiàn)。 He claimed he took 8 pictures. Investigation by UFOR(Qld) cast doubt on the authenticity of the photographs and it is believed they were a hoax.他聲稱,他8張圖片。案件由UFOR (昆士蘭)懷疑的真實性,照片和人們相信他們是一個騙局。

  (1.  UFORQLD. ( 1 。 UFORQLD 。

  2. UFOSH p120.) 2 。 UFOSH p120 。 )

  10 May 1968 Coogee Beach NSW 1700hrs 1968年5月10號庫吉海灘新南威爾士州1700hrs

  A rocket-like object is reported to have risen up out of the water, rotated 360 degrees, inclined and then shot off towards the north according to the photographer.火箭狀物體報道已上升出來的水, 360度旋轉,傾斜,然后槍殺了對北據(jù)攝影師。 One shot was taken with panchromatic film at 1/250th second.一桿是采取全色電影1/250th第二。 It shows a blurred rocket like shape with no surrounding ground or sky features.它顯示了火箭形狀模糊,沒有周圍的地面或空中的特點。

  ( APIC Bulletin No 4). ( APIC公告 4 ) 。

  Jul/Aug 1968 Cairns Qld 7月/ 1968年8月昆士蘭凱恩斯

  "North Queensland radio station 4K2 announced that an airliner flying from Cairns to Iron Range had been paced by a UFO. It was photographed by means of a movie camera." “北昆士蘭廣播電臺宣布,一個4K2航空公司凱恩斯鐵幅度已經(jīng)節(jié)奏的不明飛行物。有人拍照通過電影攝影機。 ”

  ( UFOSH p121.) ( UFOSH p121 。 )

  11 Aug 68 Taree NSW 1415hrs 1 wit Solomon Photo 8月11日68塔里新南威爾士州1415hrs 1機智所羅門圖片

  Saw silver, silent, 30 foot diameter circular object and took a photo.看到銀,沉默,直徑30英尺的圓形物體,并采取了照片。

  (pp1-2 of RAAF file 580/1/1 part 11.  RAAF conclusion: falsified picture) ( pp1 - 2的澳大利亞皇家空軍文件580/1/1部分11 ;始铱哲娊Y論:偽造圖片)

  Sep 1968 Caulfield Vic Arthur Rosenthal 1968年09月阿瑟考維克羅森塔爾

  Anomaly Foundation listing.異;饡鲜。

  7 Sep 1968 Hove SA Day 1968年09月7日霍夫阿爾公司

  A black and white picture was taken and shows a "coat hanger" shaped, small angular sized, black "saucer".黑白圖片是采取與表演的“衣架”形,小角大小,黑色“飛碟” 。 Taken by a student who later admitted it was a hoax.由學生誰后來承認這是一個騙局。

  (UFO Research South Australia.) (不明飛行物研究南澳大利亞州。 )

  2 & 4 Mar 1969 Tully Qld 2 & 69年3月4日塔利昆士蘭

  A movie film was linked to a UFO detector and was triggered thus exposing the movie film.  Subsequently the film was forwarded to Kodak for developing but was never seen again.電影膠片是聯(lián)系在一起的不明飛行物探測器觸發(fā)從而使電影膠片。后來電影轉交給柯達為發(fā)展中國家,但從未見過他。

  (1.  Stan Seers. ( 1 。斯坦西爾斯。

  2.  UFORQLD.) 2 。 UFORQLD 。 )

  21 Mar 69 Kalgoorlie WA 8mins 1M Rich 3月21日69卡爾古利豐富的西澳8mins一百萬

  Object high up in sky.對象高了天空。 Seemed like big orange.似乎大橙色。 Sharp white flickering lights in middle.夏普白色燈光閃爍中。 From E to S then N then to W. then disappeared.從電子商務向S然后?然后總統(tǒng)然后消失了。 On 25 May saw same object. 5月25日,看到同一個對象。 52 is a letter Flt Martin HQ RAAF Butterworth 7 Jul 6. 52是一個信故障馬丁總部空軍布特沃斯7月7日6 。 Your letter, diagram, photo and slide sent to DOA.你的來信,圖表,照片和幻燈片發(fā)送到方位。 53 is a memo Flt Martin to DOA 7 Jul 69 re 52. 53是一個備忘錄故障馬丁對審計署7月7日69再52 。

  (pp48-53 of RAAF file 580/1/1 part 12.) ( pp48 - 53的澳大利亞皇家空軍文件580/1/1部分12 。 )

  May 1969 Alberton Adelaide SA 1969年5月公司艾伯頓阿德萊德

  A Mr E Matthew took some movie footage of a light in the sky.甲先生é馬修采取了一些電影畫面的光線在天空中。 When the film was returned he noted an unusual object instead of the light.當電影被送回他注意到不尋常的物體,而不是光。 This image was enlarged by micro-photography and it has been said that it shows an elliptical object with apparent "window" and "entity."此圖片是擴大微型攝影,有人說,這顯示出一個橢圓形的物體表面的“窗口”和“實體” 。

  (1. Pix-People magazine 1/12/71 (pics). ( 1 。 圖片,人物雜志1/12/71 (照片) 。

  2. UFO Research Australia Newsletter 2/4.) 2 。 不明飛行物研究澳大利亞通訊 2月4日。 )

  17 May 69 Steven's Weir NSW 0400hrs 10mins 6 wits including Dillon, Hine, Hocking NO 5月17日69史蒂芬的堰新南威爾士州0400hrs 10分鐘6斗智斗勇包括狄龍,海因,霍金一氧化氮

  Farmer sighted object size of car, glowing red to green descended from sky to 1000 feet and approached.農(nóng)民短視對象大小汽車,灼熱的紅色,綠色的后裔天空一○○○英尺和接觸。 Stopped over his car 400m from his tractor.他的車停在400米,他的拖拉機。 Remained there 2-3mins then moved 500m to N and disappeared.在那里停留2 - 3mins然后移至500米至N和消失。 Reappeared a further 500m to N. Soundless.又出現(xiàn)了進一步的500米到北無聲。 0410hrs second witness Hocking arrived. 0410hrs第二證人霍金抵達。 At 0530hrs 19 May Mr H saw a bright object in sky. 5月19日在0530hrs先生H看到一個光明的對象天空。 Through telescope appeared as a crescent shape in N sky.通過望遠鏡作為一個新月形狀在N天空。 Remained in sight till 0930hrs.仍然看不到到0930hrs 。 A Mr Allan photographer took pictures between 0400-0700hrs on 19 May.阿署長拍照的攝影師之間0400 - 0700hrs關于5月19日

  (p7 of RAAF file 580/1/1 part 12.) ( p7的澳大利亞皇家空軍文件580/1/1部分12 。 )

  Jun 1969 Devon Park Adelaide SA Early morning 1969年6月德文公園公司清晨阿德萊德

  A butcher took four black and white photos of a "mass of spinning lights" close to his house.牛肉歷時四年的黑白照片的“大眾紡紗香江”接近他的房子。 The shots are clear and seem to show a solid disc shape.槍聲是明確的,似乎顯示了堅實的圓盤形狀。 However, although a copy of all four shots are held on file the negatives appear to have been mislaid by the photographer.然而,盡管所有的副本4桿舉行檔案底片似乎已遺失的攝影師。 Blow-ups of these shots show light and shade although there has been some criticism of the shots, they remain of an unidentified nature.打擊企業(yè)的這些鏡頭顯示光影雖然取得了一些批評的投籃,他們?nèi)匀皇且粋身份不明的性質。


  Jun 1969 Perth WA Day 1969年6月西澳珀斯日

  Three men claim to have photographed an object over the Perth suburb of Maddington.三名男子聲稱,他們拍攝的對象的珀斯郊區(qū)Maddington 。 They later admitted it was a hoax.他們后來承認這是一個騙局。

  (Undated Perth newspaper of about June 1969.) (未注明日期珀斯報紙約1969年6月。 )

  4 Jun 1969 Ballarat Vic 1969年6月4日巴拉蘭特維克

  An amateur astronomer was taking a picture of the Moon through a 6 inch reflector telescope.一名業(yè)余天文愛好者是拍照月球通過一個6英寸的反射望遠鏡。 Upon developing the picture a large white boomerang-shaped object appeared, casting a shadow on the Moon's surface.對發(fā)展中國家的圖片大量白色回旋鏢形對象出現(xiàn),投下陰影月球表面。 Several opinions have existed ranging from a hoax to a developing fault.若干意見存在從一個騙局,以一個發(fā)展中國家的錯。 No positive identification has been made.沒有任何積極查明了很大的進展。

  ( Aust UFO Report Aug 71.) ( 阿格德爾不明飛行物報告 8月71 。 )

  16 Jun 69 Burwood Melbourne Vic 2030hrs (5-8mins) 2M Bowler and 2 other wits Photo 6月16日69寶活墨爾本維多利亞2030hrs ( 5 - 8mins ) 200鮑勒和2個其他斗智斗勇圖片

  Bright amber light in sky seen to SE.光明黃燈在天空看到本身。 Took one photo frame 9 with 35mm Nikon camera.在一個相框9帶有35mm尼康相機機身。 Soundless.無聲。 Level flight-descent in an arc then sped to W 15-20 deg el.水平飛行,降落在一個弧形然后加速到W 15-20度薩爾瓦多。

  (RAAF: Prob light aircraft. (pp72-77 of RAAF file 580/1/1 part 12.) (澳大利亞皇家空軍:概率輕型飛機。


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